Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bryson City Tales

My library recently put the inter library loan feature online, which has prompted me to remember all the books I've wanted to read, but could never remember when I was corralling four children at the library. Oh happy day!

The first book on my list was Bryson City Tales by Dr. Walt Larimore. Glen and I had the privilege of getting to know Walt & Barb when we lived in Florida. We attended the same church, and Barb was the one who first invited me to Bible Study Fellowship (for which I am eternally grateful!). When I heard about Walt's Bryson City books, I knew I wanted to read them.

Bryson City Tales does not disappoint. In this book, Walt takes us on his own journey from the end of his medical residency to finding a community in which to settle (Bryson City) and the process of settling in. He honestly relates his mistakes, his passions (for football? I didn't know!), and his attempts to make connections in a very small, rather closed, community.

And there's plenty of drama too. From a very difficult home delivery in the next county to almost losing his medical privileges at the hospital, with a few veterinary calls thrown in, I found it difficult to put the book down. I'm looking forward to reading the next two books Bryson City Seasons and Bryson City Secrets.

The only thing I wonder about - and perhaps because I know them - is how did Barb find herself connecting to the community? This is Dr. Walt's story, so while his wife is mentioned many times, he focuses on his own experiences. But, I do wonder...

1 comment:

::Sylvia:: said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll be looking for this one at the library next time!