Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Healthy Homes e-news from December 2007

Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, with lots for which to be thankful. We’re in the midst of the Christmas rush – the children are performing in a Christmas program December 16th, I’m performing in a cantata the next day.

Lots of company on the horizon – and in the midst of it all, I’m trying to find time to be quiet and reflect on the meaning of Christmas. I love to be the first one out of bed in the morning, reading my Bible quietly by the light of the Christmas tree lights. It gives me such joy to see the lights shining in the dark (morning AND evening). I really do love this time of year. Especially with the snow on the ground!

In this month’s issue:

  1. Are Industrial Chemicals Killing Kid’s Brains?
  2. Eating Slowly really does mean Eating Less
  3. Former President Clinton praises Shaklee’s commitment
  4. Catch a Flight? Don’t Catch a Cold.


1. Are Industrial Cleaners Killing Kid’s Brains? (abcnews.com)

“A laundry list of common industrial chemicals could be responsible for a silent pandemic that already has resulted in brain impairment in millions of children worldwide, according to a study published in the British medical journal The Lancet.

The chemicals, which are released into the environment by various industries, turn up in various forms -- from methylmercury in fish, arsenic and PCBs in drinking water, to lead in certain types of paints and glazes.

Some researchers argue that conclusive evidence of a connection between the chemicals and brain impairment is limited, in many cases. But authors of the study still believe that the total impact of exposure to industrial chemicals is much greater than currently recognized, and raises the question of whether enough is being done to protect children from exposure.

"The human brain is a precious and vulnerable organ," said study author Dr. Philippe Grandjean, an adjunct professor at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. "And because optimal brain function depends on the integrity of the organ, even limited damage may have serious consequences."

Among the possible consequences, the authors note, are decreases in intelligence or changes in behavior, which are important but aren't something a doctor might notice during an office visit.

"What prompted our study," said study co-author Dr. Philip J. Landrigan, a professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, "was the realization that has been growing over the past several decades that there are a small number of chemicals that we know with absolute certainty can cause brain injury if exposure occurs during the fetal life or in the first several years after birth."

"Our big worry is this: If we know there are four or five or six chemicals out there capable of causing brain injury, what about the other chemicals, to this time, that have not been adequately tested?" he said.

The idea that industrial chemicals have detrimental effects on developing brains is not a new one.

However, the authors say insufficient research has been conducted into the toxic effects of industrial chemicals on children. Moreover, they say, lax governmental requirements for testing and control have caused the problem to be overlooked.”

Read the rest of the article here: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/print?id=2635962 Dr. Shaklee saw this potential years ago, when he created the first non-toxic, biodegradable cleaner. If you’re concerned about your toxic load or that of a loved one,, I’d recommend these cleaners – everything you need to replace toxic cleaners in your home. Also, consider other things that increase our personal toxic load – products we put on our skin, we breathe in our air. If you’d like to discuss strategies for lightening your toxic load, please give me a call.


3. Eating Slowly Really Does Mean Eating Less (reuters.com)

Are you concerned about maintaining your weight this holiday season – perhaps even losing some? Just slow down when you eat!

“A new study provides the first-ever scientific proof that if you eat slowly, you will eat less -- and you will enjoy the meal more.

Women consumed about 70 fewer calories when they were told to take their time eating a meal of pasta and sauce, compared to when they were instructed to eat it as quickly as possible. They also rated the meal as more pleasant when they ate slowly.”

“…Someone who ate three leisurely meals might consume 210 fewer calories a day than someone who wolfed those meals down.”

You can read the rest of the article here.

Are you thinking of losing weight in the new year? Be prepared by getting a starter kit now. I’ve lost about 15 pounds so far – not a terrific amount, but I’ve dropped one skirt size and one shirt size. Plus, this program is flexible, it tastes good and it’s easy to use. I’m hosting a half-hour informational and accountability call this Thursday, December 7th, at 9:15 p.m. I’ll give a brief explanation of Cinch, and then we’ll hear from real people who are using this easy weight loss program – their successes and triumphs. Please join us by calling 347-534-1701 then participant code 6437#. I’d love to hear some familiar voices on the call!


4. Former President Clinton Praises this company

I just had to share this with you. The company I represent is obviously well-established, well-respected and deeply committed to taking care of our earth.

Bill Clinton mentioned our CEO, Roger Barnett, in his closing address of the Clinton Global Initiative, September 22, 2006. We were all introduced to Dr Sachs, this summer at our 50th celebration.

"This is a commitment I love. Roger Barnett, the president of [the company I represent], has made a commitment for his company to become net fully carbon neutral, 100-percent carbon neutral, all year long, from this year through 2011. Shaklee intends to oversee the purchasing and installation of solar energy to provide decentralized electrification to the Millennium Villages that Dr. Jeff Sachs is doing so much to develop. This is a great deal. Thank you very much, Roger, ..."

--Former President Bill Clinton

By the way – the company I represent was the first (and as far as I know, the only) company to be certified climate-neutral. Read more about that here.


5. Catching a Flight? Don’t Catch a Cold. (USA Weekend, Nov 17-19, 2006)

The chances of you catching a cold on an airplane increase by 113 times than if you stayed on the ground. Yikes! Plus, if you already have a cold when you get on the plane, you’ll probably feel worse when you get off. The pressure differences on the flight plug up your inner ear and sinuses.

Ways to avoid airplane colds:

Reduce Pressure Effects: Take an antihistamine if you have any sign of a cold. A natural solution: alfalfa, which is a natural antihistamine.

Stay Hydrated: To keep your mucus membranes working despite dry cabin air, sip water throughout the flight and use a saline spray. (Avoid caffeine!) I always carry a water bottle and some powdered electrolyte with me when I fly. But be sure to pop the top a bit so that the pressure equalizes with the cabin pressure. I’ve had plenty of wet bags in my days when I’ve forgotten to do that, and water forces itself out of the bottle. Oops!

Minimize Contact: You catch more colds by touching than by breathing. Wash your hands frequently. Viruses cause colds, so antibacterial products aren’t going to help.

Pack Protection: The article recommends zinc lozenges & vitamin C as well as chicken soup. I cannot help but recommend this echinacea product – take before the flight to boost your immune system naturally. Also, this immune regulation product is especially important for on-going immune function. Remember, it takes about four days for it to build in your body, so be sure to start before your trip. Sustained-release vitamin-C is quite helpful – be sure to pack extra just in case, and I never travel without my vitamin strips.

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