I have to admit, I'm a skeptic when it comes to motivational books. I've read quite a few, and it seems like they all say the same thing, just in a different way. Plus, most of the techniques feel very 'new-age' to me, and in reality some are.
Last month, my friend went to a motivational seminar produced by Tamara Lowe, the author of Get Motivated. I think she knew I am skeptical of those types of events, because we didn't talk about it much. However, our mutual friend filled me in when we were talking about my experience at the Shaklee national convention.
She told me about Lowe's book, Get Motivated, and the motivational DNA test you could take on her website. I was intrigued - mainly because I thought something must be wrong with me.
Why would I think that? Because the most valuable part of the national convention for me was reconnecting with people with whom I mostly interact on the phone. Otherwise, the focus on making the 'big money' in Shaklee during the convention meetings made me uneasy and uncomfortable. I was left wondering why I had taken the time, and money, to attend. (After sitting back and thinking objectively about what I had heard at convention, I realized that if someone is motivated by money and performance, that person could make a lot of money with Shaklee. It's amazing, really, but not motivating to me.)
During our discussion, she mentioned it sounded like I am motivated by relationships, and said a few words about what she had learned from reading Lowe's book. I immediately got online and requested it through inter-library loan.
Lowe's personal story is quite amazing, and her drive is impressive. I almost hate admitting that I enjoyed reading this book. Her idea of Motivational DNA is a new one to me, and it makes sense. I discovered my Motivational DNA is CSI (not like the TV show, but Connection, Stability and Internal). DNA, by the way, stands for Drives, Needs and Awards. Yes, a bit cutesy, but it is memorable.
I was looking forward to reading the section about motivating children, but after I read it I felt a little let-down. It was a very, very quick overview - mostly anecdotal of her relationship with her oldest son - of childhood stages. She mostly recommended reading certain authors for a better understanding of parenting techniques. They are authors I enjoy reading, for the most part, but I was hoping for a little more direction from Lowe about applying her theories.
Overall, if you're wondering why you're having problems getting motivated, or trying to figure out how to motivate employees or children, I'd suggest reading this book. It might even be worth purchasing, so you can have her run-downs of each motivational type.
1 comment:
Michelle, thank you for your review of my book, Get Motivated! Skeptics are my favorite audience, because, I admit, I'm one too!
There are advanced Motivational DNA profiles that are age appropriate for children at www.motivationaldna.com and that will give you more of what you were looking for in Part 3- customized specifically for your four children. There is a code on page 293 of Get Motivated that will give you a discount price of $19 for the profiles (Reg. $59).
For your blog readers, the FREE online profile is found at www.getmotivatedbook.com. Click on "Take the Test."
By the way, 100% of the proceeds and author royalties of Get Motivated benefit 36 childrens charities including World Vision, Compassion International, Operation Smile and Toys for Tots. You can read more about these charities and find out how to get involved in making a difference for needy children at www.getmotivatedbook.com. Click on "Children's Charities Benefitted."
Thank you again for very nice review.
Tamara Lowe
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