Today, I'm trying to ignore the headache I've been nursing for about 36 hours. I told my husband this morning that I think I'm stressed because of everything I have going on this week.
He very nicely said, "Duh."
As we started our fall activities, my very-wise-dear husband pointed out to me I have too much on my plate. Yes. I admit it. I do. But what could I give up?
Not teaching my children at home.
Not leading women's Bible study at church.
Not attending Bible Study Fellowship.
Not singing on Sunday mornings when asked.
Not my Shaklee business.
Not my writing/video business.
Not my chamber involvement.
So. In the future, I have agreed to not say 'yes' to anything without discussing it with him first.
In the past, I was the one saying to him, "Please do not say yes to anything without discussing it with me first." I guess the old adage is true: "What goes around, comes around."
The ongoing struggle - managing my time wisely, managing my energy wisely, managing my family, home, church activities wisely.
This week, I give myself an "F." Hopefully, next week will be better.
There Isn't Time
Eleanor Farjeon
There isn't time, there isn't time
To do the things I want to do,
With all the mountain-tops to climb,
And all the woods to wander through,
And all the seas to sail upon,
And everywhere there is to go,
And all the people, every one
Who lives upon the earth, to know.
There's only time, there's only time
To know a few, and do a few,
And then sit down and make a rhyme
About the rest I want to do.
Enjoy more Poetry Wednesday selections here.
I love the clock photos, Michelle. They really do evoke a nervousness that pairs well with your reflections and poem choice. I too have felt, since the kids started back at school, like I am trying to grasp in my fist too many responsibilities - important details are slipping through the cracks between my fingers. Maybe I'll give Glen a call before agreeing to any new projects. : )
I love your poem! There definitely isn´t time to do all we want to do! And even at my age, there still isn´t time! I have so many things I want to do, places I want to go, projects I want to finish! But we gotta take it one day at a time, no other way!
Hi Michelle!
I'm glad I found your blog! Where have I been? I can think of a couple of things you can give up, but you won't like them. I gave up those same two things years ago and still miss them!
I'll be praying for your wisdom.
In Christ,
I love the clock photos too and it made me start to think about the clocks around my own house and then giggle that we seem to collect clocks that don't work- time standing still. And that is what I want, to cheat that elusive friend/foe called time, knowing that I really cannot and that no matter what time passes and my life along with it. But to echo back to Kris' Whitman poem, may we work to contribute a verse in the time we have been given by God. Love to you.
Right before clicking on your post, I glanced at my clock and had a little panic attack at all the things still left undone today. Excuse the pun, but timely poem and post. Thank you, Michelle.
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