Did you follow all that? It's OK, I didn't either. However, I find much to relate to in this week's poem.
The Gate of the Year
M. Louise Haskins
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
'Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown!'
And he replied:
'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.'
So, I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night
And He led me toward the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.
Here are other selections for Poetry Wednesday, or to post one of your own.
It's so hard to put our hand in the Hand of God, isn't it? Scary. I'm glad I am not the only one trying to keep up with the new year. We will pray for your recovery.
Michelle, your procedure! How did it go?! I bet you are exhausted. Rest. Rest. I was very touched by your poem choice, especially after reading your introduction to it. Like Kris said (believe me!), we are all right there with you just trying to stay afloat. Thank you for sharing a bit of your heart with us.
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