Friday night, Anna went with her TNT Awana group to an end-of-year overnight at a hotel. She had a wonderful time - you should have seen her shining eyes when she got home. But, OH! was she tired!
Here's Anna waiting for her sister to be done in the shower Saturday night. She was convinced to go with us on errands Saturday night by a dinner out at Noodles & Co. Poor girl - such a trooper!
One of the items on our list Saturday night was an early birthday gift for Lydia. Her 16" bike was WAY too small for her, and Daddy decided that it was time for a new one. Since her birthday is in September, it made sense to get her one now so she could use it this summer. She's been riding every day since then. She loves her brand-new bike!
Ever since we bought our house, I've dreamed of taking out those ugly evergreen bushes in front of our house. My husband harbored similar thoughts, but didn't want to take out ALL the bushes until we are able to get new siding. (We need it, don't ya think?!) However, since we had to get a couple trees taken out of our backyard, he agreed that we should take out the front row. Quite a change, isn't it? Just wait until we get our new door put in at the end of the month. I'm so excited!
Those pictures of Anna are priceless! Now that is tired!
Lydia looks like such a big girl on her new bike - what a cutie! :) And yes, cutting those shrubs down makes a huge difference. Good for you and Glen for getting that done!
Are you really coming tomorrow?
I'm planning on coming! I'm trusting that Glen won't have to go to court... and if he does that my dad would be willing to take the chil'ns. :)
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