The end of August and the beginning of September were big weeks for us. We had so many big events crammed in so few days it's taking me quite awhile to catch up.
At the end of our trip to DC, we stopped in Ohio for our annual family reunions with the Leichtys and the Cottermans.
Here are some highlights:

Leichty 2nd cousins

Sweet Grandma Marce

2nd cousins Lydia & Lena

That goofy Paul!

Equally goofy little brother Brady!

Nathaniel & Anna enjoyed the pool table
(until we were informed it was only for 14yo & up)

Highlight of the weekend: West Liberty's Labor Day Parade.
If you love antique tractors, come out next year.
There were about 240 tractors in the parade.
Every year, Uncle Jake pulls all the cousins in the parade.

Glen's cousin Jon and his boy Conner.
That tyke can name every tractor in the parade.

Grandpa got to drive the Farmall!

This year, Nathaniel decided to sit out the parade.
He collected candy instead.
"It's hard work Mom!"
He was sweating. It was HOT.

You know you're getting tall when...
you're almost as tall as Grandma Marce.

You know you ARE tall when....
you are taller than Grandma Marce!

Glen and Grandpa Jake.
What is Grandpa Jake laughing at?

These crazy kids sitting on each other!
The next day we drove an hour south of the Leichtys to spend the afternoon with the Cottermans. While Saturday was HOT, Sunday was rainy and chilly. Not a great day for a picnic, but we stuck it out anyway.

Rain, rain go away.
But while you're here,
I'll sit and play


Our family

The Pennies

The Roses & Wicklines

The Jarretts

Grandpa & Grandma

Two of my boys!

Glen's sister's family - the Dingers

Great-Grandpa & Great-Grandma Cotterman
with all their great-grandkids
As I was looking through my pictures I realized that I have no pictures of Aunt Judi. I'm sorry we missed you Aunt Judi!
(Look at that - you get a special mention, by name, because you're not in the pictures.)